Monday, January 31, 2011

I Think, Therefore I Am

Visualizing Pregnancy

Before I get all deep here, I want to give a little background on my approach to life. About 3 years ago I read the book, The Secret. At first, I was a total skeptic just like a lot of folks. But, I'm a pretty open-minded person, so I read it and soaked it in. A basic principal is that anything we want from life - we can have. We just have to believe we will have it, be genuinely thankful to the universe for giving it to us (before actually receiving it), and then "manifest" it. One chapter challenges you to to start small. It suggests trying to manifest a cup of coffee or a parking space. I was living in NYC at the time and one of the things I dreaded the most was trying to catch a cab in rush hour or bad weather. I decided that I would try to manifest cabs. I started by convincing myself, "I always get cabs" and would repeat this mantra over and over until I believed it.

No joke, cabs would literally pull over to pick me up before I'd even lifted my arm to hail them. I started to have a lot of fun with my "magic trick" as I would impress friends while attracting cabs in the most unlikely circumstances. One night in particular made me realize there really was something else at work than "magic" per se. It was rush hour and I was standing on one of the worst corners in Manhattan - right near the Holland Tunnel. It was FREEZING out and there wasn't a cab in sight. I repeated my little mantra to myself, "I always get cabs... I always get cabs..." and within a minute, a cab turned the corner and picked me up. As soon as I got inside the cab driver said to me, "The weirdest thing just happened to me." I asked what. And he said, "I was heading in a completely different direction, but then I got a strange feeling like I should turn onto this street. And there you were."

I will never forget that moment. It was then that I truly believed I could manifest anything. After mastering the art of attracting cabs I also manifested an apartment, my husband, and our future home. But those are all stories for another day. Let's talk about today. Today I am working on manifesting a healthy pregnancy.

So what exactly does that entail? I believe I need to surround myself with positive thoughts for the future. I've been picturing my burgeoning belly. Imagining the shared excitement of my husband, parents, in-laws, friends, midwife, acupuncturist, and readers of this blog. I'm thinking about what it will feel like to be so excited to pick out baby clothes. To decorate our baby's room. And eventually to hold our baby in my arms. For that baby to grow into a child. And for our family to begin to take shape.

I downloaded an mp3 last week called, "Visualizing Pregnancy" which is a rather calming and lovely guided meditation. I knew virtually nothing about it when I purchased it (just checked out a clip on itunes), but I liked what I heard. The other day I listened to it in its entirety for the first time and practically burst into happy tears. The woman behind the recording applies all of the principles of The Secret that I've already been trying to do on my own. One thing she stresses throughout is to imagine what it will feel like to have a healthy pregnancy. And, thus, the name of today's blog post. I will continue to think it, and allow it to become real.

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