Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Yoga and Fertility

A friend of mine sent me this article the other day:


I thought it was a good read and opens up a bit of a debate about yoga's role in fertility. My take away is that there is no concrete evidence that practicing yoga has a direct connection to getting yourself knocked up, but it does provide a great environment to relieve stress and keep your mind and body focused on your baby-making intentions.

I'm coming to terms with the fact that there is no magical, wand-waving, quick fix to having a healthy pregnancy. But no matter how long it takes to get there, I must find a way to remain positive. And if yoga helps me feel even the slightest degree of hope - then that works for me.


  1. Damn...if getting pregnant depends on my doing a physical activity besides having sex, I'm screwed! Well, we already knew that...but I might need to rethink my fitness apathy. :)

  2. Jen, trust me on this one... I gained 10lbs before my miscarriage and I was only like 8 weeks along. Get over that fitness apathy NOW, woman! It might not help you get knocked up, but it'll help AFTER! :)
